Hey there!

If you’re reading this, congrats—because this quick guide & template will help you avoid a funnel building mistake 95% of creators and solopreneurs make (even the ones who’re crushing it):

Not having a killer Thank You page in your newsletter or lead magnet opt-in flow.

Now, why is that a mistake?

Great question!

When someone signs up for your newsletter or lead magnet, they are more engaged than ever.

Think about it…

People spend most of their time online scrolling.

But in order to sign up for your thing, they had to stop scrolling, type up their email address, and tap a button.

Doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it is!

Because—again—this is the exact opposite of what they typically do.

Which is why, right after someone joins your list, you have a golden opportunity to:

Make sense?

Alright, now let’s talk about the key “sections” your Thank You page should have in order to accomplish this.

The 5 Sections Of A Killer Thank You Page

  1. 👋 The Welcome Section. First, you need to confirm their signup was successful—and reinforce their decision to join your list.
  2. ➡️ The Next Steps Section. Then, you need to explain exactly what they should do next (namely, opening your welcome email). Be as specific as possible here.